At our website you may found themes for escort agencies and escort directory. Many clients don’t see the difference and that leads to misunderstanding and frustration. The reason of this post to explain the major difference and give advice on choosing the right theme for your business model. Ok, let’s start.

Escort agency WordPress themes

The Escort agency business model assumes that the company is managed by an administrator or site manager. The whole directory is managed by one user and models can not add, modify and even access their profiles. Appointment bookings, payments, photos, videos and profile parameters can only be modified by the company owner of the person in charge. And that makes sense for many points. First of all your site stays secure and consistent, this allows to avoid unpleasant surprises and keep content quality high. In addition to that your models dont need to get a degree in IT to manage profiles, thus they can focus on their duties.


Escorts directory WordPress themes

The other business model assumes you in fact offer advertising services for individual escorts and escort agencies. You own a website where everyone can register as a listing publisher or regular user(client). A publisher can add their listings, but VIP/Premium spots, chat with clients, manage appointments, etc. To monetize your site you can create free and paid publishing plans with a highly customizable set of options: buy premium spot, get a certain number of listing entries, access some specific fields/categories, etc etc. In addition, you can easily enable maps(this feature comes onboard) and based on user location display nearest spots of interest for your site visitors(like agencies and individual escorts location on the map if incall service enabled).

At the moment only Medirect theme comes with directory functionality. The logical question is what happens if I like the Lovestory theme(just as an example) and want to add directory features to it? Yes, it’s possible. The average cost of integration is in the range of $250 depending upon additional features you want to have, the ETA is 3 business days. If you would like to discuss the details or get additional information please use our contact form!